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Hand in hand to build the bengbu silicon new material indust

Report from our correspondent (reporter ma day) yesterday afternoon, executive vice President and secretary-general of China federation of industrial economy to clam Xiong Meng rate research group, research and silicon new material industry development situation of economic operation, and sign a memorandum of understanding with our city. Next, the two sides will through close cooperation, establish a regular high-level consultation, communication and information sharing mechanism, listed and jointly build "China's industrial economy federation - bengbu national silicon new material industry base". Province by the letter Wang Youjun deputy director of the committee; City leaders Zhou Chunyu, jin-ming bai, Mr. He, Gu Shiping, wangcheng dress feather, Zheng Dongtao, yeung sum, Wu Zhongyao, zi-li liu, the municipal government secretary-general Jiang Xiaotian attend the activity.
Party secretary Zhou Chunyu hosting conferences and focuses on the conditions of industrial development and the base construction. , he says, especially since the "twelfth five-year" in recent years, the zhuhai earnestly implement the central and provincial party committee, provincial government decision deployment, unswervingly implement the strategy of "industrial city", driven by innovation as the engine, to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, stresses the strategic emerging industries, grasping the traditional industry transformation, industrial economy to keep sustainable and healthy development momentum, especially silicon new materials industry gets rapid development, the basic form in electronic information, new materials, new energy glass silicon-based new material industry development chain. Next, zhuhai will further perfect the development idea, intensify policy support, improve the service system, in accordance with the electronic information, new materials, new energy glass the three main line, focus on building bengbu into the domestic first-class silicon new material industry cluster development base. Hope that China's industrial economy federation of bengbu construction development, pay more attention in the industry cultivation, project cooperation, etc, to give more support, let more industry leader into the bengbu, selecting bengbu, development of bengbu.
Xiong Meng said at the symposium, in recent years, bengbu attaches great importance to industry development strategic positioning and the whole industry chain collaboration, by boosting production, cooperation, explore with melting mode, speed up the leading enterprises cultivation, implement the strategy of innovation and a series of effective measures, to lay a solid foundation for silicon new material industry development. China federation of industrial economy will play a good platform for further resources advantage, to join hands in bengbu municipal party committee municipal government, further enhance the innovation ability of silicon-based new materials industry base, the industrial scale and product performance, promote the bengbu silicon new material industry development.
The mayor jin-ming bai on behalf of the municipal government signed a memorandum of understanding with the Xiong Meng. According to the memorandum of cooperation, the two sides will focus around the industry cultivation, project cooperation, expanding investment, policy support, technological progress, platform construction, information services, etc., to carry out all-round, the whole industry chain cooperation, vigorously the introduction of the backbone enterprises, enhance the core enterprise, growing base scale, strive to build a has important influence and exemplary role in the province, the national industrial base.
China federation of industrial economy as the combination of the national association of industry organization, is the development of the cooperation between government and enterprises the bridge and link, to promote the reform of industrial modernization, industrial management and science and technology innovation of industrial enterprises plays an important role.
A capital by on-the-spot investigation before the symposium, research group of China's new materials science and technology industrial park of 150 t/d glass full oxygen combustion catic sanxin electronic information display ultra-thin basic project, solar photovoltaic glass co., LTD. Symposium will also be held during the clams, research group of enterprises, focus on the current weight, difficult problem of economic operation and "made in China 2025" project, listen to some enterprises and relevant departments of the opinions and Suggestions, and further related project research.